Milieu Interieur sjTREC Prediction Service
Welcome! This work is brought to you by the Milieu Interieur Consortium and is published by Clave et al., 2018.

Human thymopoiesis is influenced by a common genetic variant within the TCRA-TCRD locus.
Emmanuel Clave, Itaua Leston Araujo, Cecile Alanio, Etienne Patin,Jacob Bergstedt, Alejandra Urrutia, Silvia Lopez-Lastra, Yan Li, Bruno Charbit, Cameron Ross MacPherson, Milena Hasan, Breno Luiz Melo-Lima, Corinne Douay, Noemie Saut, Marine Germain, David-Alexandre Tregouet, Pierre-Emmanuel Morange, Magnus Fontes, Darragh Duffy, James P. Di Santo, Lluis Quintana-Murci, Matthew L. Albert, Antoine Toubert, The Milieu Interieur Consortium.
Sci. Transl. Med. 10, eaao2966 (2018).
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